Privacy Statement

Information We Collect
Smartlance Designs is committed to preserving your right to privacy. While we don’t ask for any registration or personal information to browse our site, some information about your server address, Web browser, and computer system are automatically transmitted to our Web servers so that we can operate our site on the Internet. Smartlance Designs does not collect identifying information about You (such as Your name, address, telephone number, and email address) unless You voluntarily submit that information to us through our Contact Us page, our Smartlance Designs Newsletter page, to request a quote or other means. If you choose to apply for a job with Smartlance Designs we will collect information such as your name, email address, phone number and resume. We will only use this information for the purposes of reviewing your application for a position. We will only retain the information you submit for one year. Smartlance Designs stores its customer information in a password-protected database to fulfill your requests for certain services. All information You submit to us is confidential and we do not sell or otherwise disclose such information to third parties.

Service Providers
We use other third parties to allow you to post comments on our blog by logging in using your social media or OpenID login information, and a customer support company to provide Live Chat to assist you if you have questions while using our site or regarding our services. When you sign up for our services, we will share your personal information only as necessary for the third party to provide that service.

Solely for purposes of providing our services, we may share Your sanitized collected data with our contracted IT service providers. These companies provide services such as IT and system administration and hosting, credit card processing, research and analytics, marketing, customer support and data enrichment. Our service providers are located in this country.

Communication From The Site
If you wish to subscribe to our newsletter(s), we will use your name and email address to send the newsletter to you. If you wish to no longer receive these newsletters you may follow the unsubscribe instructions contained in each of the email communications you receive.

Generally, you may not opt-out of these communications, which are not promotional in nature. If you do not wish to receive them, you have the option to deactivate your account.

Service-related Announcements
We will send you strictly service-related announcements on rare occasions when it is necessary to do so. For instance, if our service is temporarily suspended for maintenance, we might send you an email.

If you choose to use our referral service to email a page from our site to a friend, we will ask you for your friend’s name and email address. We will automatically send your friend a one-time email inviting him or her to visit the site. Smartlance Designs stores this information for the sole purpose of sending this one-time email and tracking the success of our referral program.

Your friend may contact us at to request that we remove this information from our database.

Right To Access to Personally Identifiable Information
If your personally identifiable information changes, or if you no longer desire our service, you may correct, update, delete/deactivate it by emailing our Customer Support at We will respond to your request to access within 30 days.

We will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services. If you wish to cancel your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

Legal Disclaimer
Smartlance Designs is subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). There is a possibility, under certain conditions, for you to invoke binding arbitration. For more information, please visit the following link:

We may also disclose your personal information as required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, or similar legal process when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request to any other third party with your prior consent to do so if Smartlance Designs is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, you will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our Web site of any change in ownership or uses of your personal information, as well as any choices you may have regarding your personal information.

In the context of an onward transfer, a Privacy Shield organization has responsibility for the processing of personal information it receives under the Privacy Shield and subsequently transfers to a third party acting as an agent on its behalf. Smartlance Designs shall remain liable under the Principles if its agent processes such personal information in a manner inconsistent with the Principles, unless the organization proves that it is not responsible for the event giving rise to the damage. Beyond the limited use of a comments manager and chat service, Smartlance Designs does not transfer personal information to third parties. Therefore, the provision regarding liability for the actions of agent processors does not broadly apply.

The security of your personal information is important to us. We follow generally accepted standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. Our websites, and are fully encrypted over the https secure protocol. If you have any questions about security on our Web site, you can contact us at

Tracking Technologies

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a user’s computer for record-keeping purposes. We use cookies on this site. We do not link the information we store in cookies to any personally identifiable information you submit while on our site.

We use session ID cookies not persistent cookies. We use session cookies to make it easier for you to navigate our site. A session ID cookie expires when you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive for an extended period of time. You can remove persistent cookies by following directions provided in your Internet browser’s “help” file.

If you reject cookies, you may still use our site, but your ability to use some areas of our site, such as contests or surveys, will be limited.

The use of cookies by our partners, affiliates, tracking utility company, service providers is not covered by our privacy statement. We do not have access or control over these cookies. Our partners, affiliates, tracking utility company, service providers use session ID cookies to make it easier for you to navigate our site.

Google Analytics
This Web site uses a tool called “Google Analytics” to collect information about use of the site. Google Analytics collects information such as how often users visit this site, what pages they visit when they do so, and what other sites they used prior to coming to this site. We use the information we get from Google Analytics only to improve this site. Google Analytics collects only the IP address assigned to you on the date you visit this site, rather than your name or other identifying information. We do not combine the information collected through the use of Google Analytics with personally identifiable information. Although Google Analytics plants a permanent cookie on your web browser to identify you as a unique user the next time you visit this site, the cookie cannot be used by anyone but Google. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to this site is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy. You can prevent Google Analytics from recognizing you on return visits to this site by disabling cookies on your browser.

Links To Other Sites
This Web site contains links to other sites that are not owned or controlled by Smartlance Designs. Please be aware that we, Smartlance Designs, are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites.

We encourage you to be aware when you leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every Web site that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies only to information collected by this Web site.

Social Media Widgets
Our Web site includes Social Media Features, such as the Facebook Like button [and Widgets, such as the Share this button or interactive mini-programs that run on our site]. These Features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our

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